What we do 2021

November 2021 – It’s really starting!!
We’re building!!

We can realize our plans and are in the process of building a girls’ shelter and the accompanying school in Kargi, Kenya!
Our generous donor, Mrs. Gisela Hoffmann, makes it possible. We would also like to thank all members of Gargar Charity and all other donors who have supported us. Together we can achieve something great! We are very happy!!!!

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The first sod is turned!

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The cornerstone is laid!

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The foundation walls for the classrooms are set

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Cement mixers at work

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The material store

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The foundation is prepared

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The shell of the shower and toilet house

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The foundation for the kitchen and multipurpose hall

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The freshly poured concrete is protected from drying out too quickly

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Preparation of the foundation for the kitchen and the multipurpose hall

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The classroom walls are growing

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Walls for kitchen and multipurpose hall

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The masonry for the kitchen and the multipurpose hall is growing

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The classroom masonry is finished

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The roof structure for the classrooms is being prepared

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The construction of the roof truss

July 2021 – We want to do something to improve the situation of girls!
We are planning a girls’ shelter!

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The plot of land for the girls' shelter is inspected by Fatuma Nabosu and a member of the municipal council of the municipality of Kargi, Kenya

Shelter Explaining

Fatuma Nabosu explains the plans for the construction and our association's project to the members of the Kargi local council in Kenya

Shelter Signing Contract

Fatuma Nabosu is welcomed at the government office in Kargi, Kenya, to sign the official transfer of the plot of land from the Kargi community to our association for the girls' shelter

Schelter And School Plan

The finished construction plan: a true-to-scale floor plan of our building project with the different buildings: girls' shelter, classrooms, multipurpose hall with kitchen and all outbuildings

Shelter And School Model

Visualized view of our building project with a shelter for girls, a house for classrooms, a multipurpose hall with a kitchen and toilets

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An example of the work of our supporters: Many thanks to our association member Barbara Klein for her street shop. She has supported us in a particularly imaginative way with the proceeds from the sale of her street shop

The location of the girls’ shelter and school in Kenya