The place Dakhane / Kenya


This small red icon localization icon 80 on the map shows the location of our land for the girls' shelter and the school buildings.

Sadly, the buildings are not shown yet, because the satellite images are older.


The coordinates for GoogleMaps:  2.496646, 37.587018


Dakhane is a simple settlement consisting of traditional round huts built from natural materials. These are the small circles in the satellite image. The village has about 3000 inhabitants. There is no significant infrastructure in the village and there are no roads in the wider area. There are also no facilities for social and health care there! The only small educational opportunity is in a mixed kindergarten with preschool offered by a single pedagogue. The children visit the kindergarten only very sporadically, also because they have to help at home. The nearest watering hole is one hour's walk away.